Home INTRODUCTION Organizational Structure


24/03/2020 13:42 - Xem: 402
The organizational structure of the FOA

The organizational structure of the FOA

As of June 2021, the organizational structure of the FOA  includes (Figure 1.3):

- The Dean Board has 03 staff (01 Dean and 02 Deputy Deans). The Dean Board takes charges of administrative activities of the Faculty, including educating political ideology for staff and students; developing staff resources; developing and organizing the implementation of training programs, scientific research, and international cooperation; building and managing facilities; managing students; and performing other duties as assigned by the rector.

- The scientific and training council has 09 people, including the Dean Board, the Heads and Deputy Heads of Divisions with experience in managing and organizing the implementation of training programs, scientific research, and technology transfer. The scientific and training council is responsible for advising and counseling the Dean on training, conducting scientific research, and transferring technology.

- Assistant system has two assistants, including an academic assistant and a testing and quality assurance assistant. They are responsible for advising and supporting the Dean Board in the implementation of training, testing and quality assurance, scientific research, and performing other duties as assigned by the Dean Board.

- The FOA consits three divisions, each division takes charge of a training program. The division is responsible for managing and operating activities of training, testing and quality assurance, scientific research, and developing the teaching staff. Each division has a Head and a Deputy Head. The number of staff and lecturers in the division can be changed depending on the number of courses/specialties managed by the division.