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The process of planting and caring for Mosla dianthera Maxim

17/08/2021 11:00 - Xem: 362







Yeast (Sa occasion) -  Mosla dianthera (Buch-Ham.) Maxim. Also known as: Enamel leaves, Marjoram mountain, Thach Qi Ninh. Lamiaceae - Mint family (Lamiaceae).

Yeast is an annual herb with a height of 25-50 cm, upright, multi-branched, hairy or powdery. Leaves opposite pointed or oval, 1.5 - 3 cm long, 1 - 1.5 cm wide, with small serrated teeth, with glandular points on the underside; short petioles. Flowers are small white or pinkish, clustered in flowers at the top or in the leaf axils, 5-10 cm long, bearing rings of 2 flowers, spaced apart, each flower has 2 reproductive stamens. The fruit is dark brown, networked, 1.5-2 cm long. The fruit season is from May to November.

Yeast plants mainly grow in wastelands where there is a lot of light. Common from 200 m - 800 m altitude.

Because the tree contains many essential oils, people often use it as a medicine with the effect of clearing heat, detoxifying, injecting inflammation, used as a leaven (an indispensable plant in yeast). The tree is collected in the fall when the tree is in flower, the fruit is dried and stored in a dry place to use until the next crop.

Yeast is used by people in the northern mountainous areas as the main ingredient of yeast for wine production. Yeast tree is a plant widely used in the production of yeast cake in the five northern provinces: Lao Cai, Bac Kan, Cao Bang, Ha Giang and Lang Son.

 In the past, yeast trees still grew naturally, mostly in wastelands, now due to over-exploitation, they have been almost exhausted. Currently, people have planted to use and exchange on the market.  


2.1. Cultivation techniques

- Sowing time: The best time to sow seeds is in February.

- Choose nursery soil: Choose light, high, easy-draining soil, so arrange a nursery near the house for convenient care.

- Soil preparation: Plow 2-3 times, pick up weeds, put on a bed with a width of 0.8-1m, a height of 15-20cm, compact the soil on the surface and around the edge of the bed to prevent rain from drifting and when sowing , seeds are not pushed into the soil slit.

- Fertilizer for the nursery: Mix rotting manure with Superphosphate fertilizer, spread the fertilizer evenly over the bed surface 2 cm, rub the manure mixed in the soil.

- Amount of seeds sown: 30g of seeds are sown for 10m 2 of the surface area of ​​the sowing bed. 

- Seed treatment and sowing: Before handling, seeds need to be exposed to 1-2 light sunlight. Seeds are removed impurities, then washed and drained. After the seeds have been drained, they are mixed with kitchen ash and then sown (to be different from the color of the soil, when sowing to avoid places that are too thick, too thin or where there are no seeds). After spreading the seeds, cover the surface with loose soil with a thickness of about 0.3 - 0.5 cm, using an oasis bucket to moisten it. Pay attention to cover when it rains to prevent seed accumulation or loss, tight fence to prevent cattle and poultry from digging and bulldozing.

- Take care of seedlings:

+ Watering: After sowing, it is necessary to water continuously for the first 3 days (watering in the early morning or late afternoon) so that the seeds absorb enough water to grow evenly, when the seeds sprout, stop watering for 1-2 days, then always keep enough. moist do not let the soil be too dry or too soggy, the plants will be weak and susceptible to diseases. Before planting, stop watering for 3-5 days. On the day of planting, it must be watered 3-4 hours before so that the roots do not break when uprooted.

+ Top dressing: Young plants are about 20-25 days old, start fertilizing. Take 1 kg of nitrogen + 0.5 kg of potassium mixed with water to evenly water a pole of seedling. After fertilizing, it must be irrigated immediately with cold water to prevent burning of young plants.

If the tree grows well, from 35-45 days old, we can uproot the seedling and plant it on a large scale (the seedling is 10-20cm tall).

 2.2. Cultivation techniques

2.2.1.  Prepare the land

-  Soil selection : Yeast is usually grown on soil with a slope of 10-30 degrees, Feralit soil, soil depth from 15-50 cm, mechanical composition from flesh to clay, moist, porous, rich in humus. , well drained, not waterlogged, pH = 6-7.

On the sloping land in the Northern mountainous region, Yeast can be grown in different types of soil such as: Land converted from cassava and some other crops to Yeast; land for planting perennial trees and forests that have not yet closed their canopy, terraced fields,...

- Soil preparation : Prepare the soil about 1-2 weeks before planting. On sloping land with lots of gravel or trunks, the stumps of forest trees can be used to dig grass and then hoe to plant yeast. On terraced fields or hillsides with moderate slopes or valleys, the plow can be used to make the soil, plowing 15-20 cm deep, doing it twice to make the small loose soil porous, and pick up the grass.

2.2.2. How to plant trees

          Before planting, use a plow or a hoe to make a groove along the contour line, 10-15 cm deep. Planting distance between rows is 35 cm, trees are 30 cm apart, corresponding to a density of 60,000 plants/ha. After planting, it must be watered for 3-4 days for the young plants to recover quickly.

2.2.3. Care

          - Miles of trees: Regularly check the grove until 20 days after planting to detect dead trees to ensure density and yield later. Pay attention to tree planting in the late afternoon and must water the new tree immediately after planting and 3 days later.

- Fertilizing:

          + The fertilizer formula for the best yield and quality is: 5 tons of manure + 40N + 50P 2 O 5 + 20K 2 O/ha with the corresponding amount of commercial fertilizer: 185 kg of manure + 3.2 kg Urea + 11.6 kg Superphosphate + 1.2 kg Potassium chloride/1 sao of North.

         + How to fertilize:

          Lining: 100% barn + 100% phosphate fertilizer. Fertilize according to the hole with a distance of 30 cm/hole (between 2 plants).

          The first time (after planting 20-25 days): Apply 1/2 amount of nitrogen + 1/2 amount of potassium. Make a trench 4-6 cm from the root, 3-5 cm deep, then apply fertilizer in combination with light cultivation (can be mixed with fertilizer if the soil is too dry) .

          Second time fertilizer (40-45 days after planting): Apply 1/2 amount of nitrogen + 1/2 amount of potassium. Make grooves 8 - 10 cm from the root, 5-7 cm deep, and then fertilize with high cultivation.

          - Uprooting, weeding: Before fertilizing, you should dig and clean the weeds.

  - Irrigation: Ensure enough soil moisture for Yeast plants throughout the growth and development process, especially paying attention to the period of maize 20, 40 days after planting and the flowering period.

2.2.4. Pest control

          Yeast plants are almost not infected with pests and diseases, so they do not need to use pesticides.

2.3. Harvest technique

About 5 months after planting, when the tree has old fruit, it is collected by pulling the whole tree and drying it on a canvas, when it is dry, take the seeds and store them in a dry place to use as seed for next year, the remaining dry trees are stored. used to make bread yeast leaves to cook wine.


                                              Author: Dr. Tran Trung Kien