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FOA receives Israel’s technology drip irrigation system

26/10/2020 00:00 - Xem: 434

On the morning of October 22, 2020, at the TUAF, the opening ceremony of the Israel’s technology drip irrigation system was sponsored by the Israeli Embassy in Vietnam. Attending the opening ceremony were Mr. Nadav Eshcar, Ambassador of Israel and leaders of specialized departments of the Israeli Embassy in Vietnam; Mr. Duong Van Luong, Vice Chairman of Provincial People's Committee and leaders of Departments of Agriculture and Rural Development, Department of Foreign Affairs; Assoc.Prof.Dr. Tran Thanh Van, Deputy Director and leaders of professional departments of Thai Nguyen University; Prof. Dr. Nguyen The Hung, Secretary of the Party Committee-Chairman of the Council of the University of Agriculture and Forestry, Assoc. Tran Van Dien, Rector of the school and leaders of departments, centers, faculty members and students of the Faculty of Agronomy, students who have studied and researched in Israel.

         The Israeli technology drip irrigation system is a component built in the high-tech model area of ​​the FOA - TUAF to serve training, research and transfer. science and technology, has outstanding advantages such as: Plants grown in greenhouses are protected, minimizing the impact of adverse environmental factors and pests, creating a favorable environment for growth and development; Integrating automation and information technology to manage and control light, humidity, temperature, nutrition, water... through specialized software that connects to the network for easy installation and adjustment , operated and can be controlled remotely; Applying growing plants in potting medium, nutrient solution, water supply and automatic fertilizing through drip irrigation system helps save, accurate, safe and highly effective..

          In recent years, the effective training cooperation program of TUAF with the Embassy of Israel, training institutions and businesses in Israel. The school has sent thousands of students to Israel to practice high-tech agriculture, sent many lecturers to Israel to study masters and doctorates. This model will contribute to increasing the effectiveness of training for students to learn how to access Israeli crop production technology before coming to study in this country and especially this is a place to study, visit and research research and transfer high technology in crop production into production practice in line with the development trend of agricultural production in Vietnam and in the world.

         Here are some pictures of the opening ceremony:

A group of people in red robesDescription automatically generated with low confidence

Figure 1. Representative of the leader cutting the ribbon to launch the Israeli technology drip irrigation system

A group of people sitting at a tableDescription automatically generated with low confidence

Figure 2. Delegates, lecturers and students attending the opening ceremony

A group of people standing in a roomDescription automatically generated with low confidence

Figure 3. Delegates visit the Israeli technology drip irrigation system model

A group of people posing for a photo in front of a large greenhouseDescription automatically generated with medium confidence

Figure 4. Delegates visiting the model of plant varieties and services of Agriculture Faculty of Agronomy

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Figure 5. Israeli Embassy and leaders of People's Committee of Thai Nguyen province, Rector of VNU take a photo with students who have just completed their internship in Israel

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Figure 6. Israeli Embassy and ITC leaders take a photo with students who have just completed their internship in Israel

By: Dr. Tran Dinh Ha, Head of High-Tech Agriculture Department