Home EDUCATION Bachelor Crop Science


21/03/2016 06:46 - Xem: 483




 1. General information of the training program

Training specialization: Crop science

Degree type: Engineer

Name of graduation degree

            English: Engineer of Crop Science program

Training duration: 4 years

 Mode of training: Full-time

Required credit number: 120 credits (89 compulsory credits, 31 elective credits) excluding the content of National Defense Education and Physical Education.

Admission objects: Graduated students from high school meet the requirement of the university and college admission regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training.

National high school graduation.

Training process, grading scale and graduation conditions:

The training process, grading scale and graduation conditions are implemented in accordance with the Regulation of full-time university and college training under the credit system, attached to decicion No. 43/2007/QD-BGD&DT and concretized by Decision No. 756/QD-DT August 21, 2013 of the Rector of Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry.

Job position: Graduating students can take on technical, managerial and operating tasks (research staff, managers, technicians)


+ Agencies, businesses, agricultural enterprises

+ Departments, institutes, research centers

+ Development programs and projects in the field of crops

+ Administrative and civil service agencies from commune level upwards

+ Education and training institutions: vocational training centers, professional high schools, colleges and universities related to crop science

2. Training objectives

Training engineers of crop science with professional qualifications, competent workmanship skills, serious working attitude and professional ethics, good health, the ability to cooperate and manage resources, suitable adaptability for a variety of jobs in scientific institutions, production management, businesses or self-employment production and crop science services.

3. Expected learning outcomes

3.1. Knowledge

1.1. General knowledge: Knowledge of the basic principles of Marxism-Leninism, the revolutionary line of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh's thought.

1.2. Basic knowledge block: Knowledge of natural sciences, social sciences and humanities, informatics, foreign languages.

1.3. Basic science knowledge blocks: plant physiology and biochemistry, plant genetics and breeding, soil and plant nutrition, agro-meteorology, plant protection, scientific research methods.

1.4. Block of support and professional knowledge

+ Professional knowledge: Cultivation, preservation and processing techniques for main agricultural crops.

+ Support knowledge: Technology transfer, production organization and market for agricultural products

3.2. Skill

3.2.1. Hard skills Professional skills

- Developing professional skills such as plant breeding, detection and prevention of plant pests and diseases.

- Technical proficiency in high-tech crop production: tissue culture, hydroponics and crop production in green house….

- Determining the nutritional status of crops in intensive farming to increase yield.

- Awareness and catch up with modern science and technology

- Capacity of specialized english using Ability to think critically and solve professional problems

  • Detecting and formulating problems
  • Generalization of the problem
  • Qualitative assessment and analysis skills
  • Problem analysis skills when lacking infromation
  • Quantitative analysis skills
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Providing solutions and recommendations The ability to research, experiment and explore knowledge

  •  Forming hypotheses
  • Searching and synthesizing documents
  •  Experimental study
  •  Hypothesis testing
  • Ability to apply research in practice
  •  Information gathering, analysis and processing skills  The system thinking ability

  • Logical thinking
  • Detecting problems and interrelationships
  • Prioritize issues
  • Analyzing the choices between problems and find a balanced solution
  • Multidimensional analytical thinking Analysis of social and external context

  • Roles and responsibilities of Crop Science/Growing Engineers.
  • Analyzing the impact of farming techniques on society
  • Firmly understading the regulations of the State related to the crop industry
  • Understanding the nation historical and cultural context

Issues and values ​​of the times

Global context Skills to apply knowledge in production practice

  • Forming ideas about production and business in Crop Science

+  Seting objectives and requirements of the product/strategy/project/option...

+ Modeling the system and suring that the objectives can be achievable.

+ Project management.

- Designing production and business plans/projects in the field of Crop Science/cultivation

+ Approach methods

+ Applying knowledge in design

+ Specialized design

+ Multidisciplinary design

+ Multi-purpose design

  • Implementation of production and business plans/projects in the field of Crop Science/cultivation

+ Training to implement the plan/project

+ Selecting resources to implement the plan/project

+ Organizing the implementation of the plan/project

Evaluating production and business plans/projects in the field of Crop Science/Cultivation

+ Designing performance evaluation standards

+ Performance evaluation (economic-social-environmental..)

+  Adjusting/upgrading projects/plans

+ Creating new projects/options

3.2.2. Soft skills Personal skills

  • Creative thinking
  • Critical thinking
  • Understanding and analyzing the knowledge, skills, and moral qualities of another individual
  • Exploring and learning from life
  • Managing time and resource
  • Ability to adapt to the complexity of reality
  • Understanding of different cultures
  • Learning and self-study skills
  • Self-management skills

-  Computer using skills Professional skills

  • Planning
  • Organizational skills and work management
  • Goal setting skills
  • Work motivation skills

-  Personal and career development skills Goup working

  • Forming an effective working team
  • Operating group
  • Developing team
  • Leading team

-  Ability to work in different teams Communication skills

  • Communication strategy
  • Communication structure (argument, arrangement of ideas ..)
  • Communication skills by writing
  • Communication skills via email/media
  • Presentation skills

-   Interpersonal communication skills Using a foreign language

  • English - listening and speaking skills
  • English - reading and writing skills

-   Other foreign languages

3.3.  About moral qualities

3.3.1. Personal moral qualities

- Ready to take the lead and take risks

  • Persistence
  • Flexible
  • Confident
  • Hard-working

-   Enthusiastic and passionate about work

3.3.2. Professional ethical qualities

  • Honest,
  • Responsibility
  • Trust
  • Professional behavior
  • Ability to work independently

3.3.3. Social moral qualities

  • Self-esteem)
  • Confident in international working environment


4.1. Admission requirement

          Meet the requirements of the university and college admission regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training.

4.2. Program implementation

- Students who enter the University’s credit system are provided with a personal account to register, view the class schedule, exam schedule, study results... details of subjects, is granted a library card to use materials at the University library.

- Students can practice and experiment in the laboratory of the Faculty of Agronomy, and use laboratory equipment for learning and scientific research.

- Form of training: according to the credit system; students have the opportunity to practice vocational training at the school, visit and study the achievements of advanced scientific and technical equipment in the locality; The last semester of the 4th year students go to graduate internships.

- Students have the opportunity to study parallel training programs at the school, study according to advanced programs, study under international joint training programs.

 - During the course of study, students can participate in scientific research activities, scientific conferences and seminars; have the opportunity to receive scholarships from organizations and individuals at home and abroad; have the opportunity to participate in extra-curricular activities, short-term training courses on professional skills and soft skills.

- Teaching staff: 100% of lecturers have a master's degree or higher, of which 50% are professors, associate professors, and doctor degree.